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Land in Mendoza (mineral water)

Initially it turns out fundamental to consider that any flowing water is not the same that the Mineral Water of Spring.A very important factor to bear in mind at the moment of face this type of business, is the provincial qualification according to the national and international legislation (MERCOSUR) on the subject of food, to be able to commercialize flowing water as Mineral Water Of Spring.From this point of view, Villa Bianca possesses all the institutional guarantees necessary for the investment on this market in expansion, which constitutes this project as a profitable and safe investment ? Access and geographic location This plant possesses, between others, two advantages to consider: the geographical place and the accesses to come to it.The bottling plant is located in Colonia las Rosas, department of Tunuyán in the province of Mendoza, to 95 km from the provincial capital. The province of Mendoza is to the west of the Republic Argentina and is the most important in the production of mineral water.The zone of Colonia las Rosas is considered to be ecologically protected, which among other factors, guarantees the quality of the product. It is well-known between the specialists in hydrogeology, the abundance of underground water resource in the zone of Colonia las Rosas, since in this zone the confined networks of water come together from the precipitations of the first hills of three nearby departments: Tupungato, Tunuyán and San Carlos, for what the Quality and Provision of the most important resource of the plant remains eternally guaranteed.In the zone there are other plants of mineral water, for example, it is outlined the plant of ECO of the Andes property of Nestlé Company. It is important to emphasize that the access to the plant is an asphalted and in good state of conservation.The province possesses an international airport and access to the port of Valparaiso in the nearby country of Chile, access that in a nearby future will be able to be realized directly from Tunuyán to Santiago of Chile with less than 200 km in entire trip. ? Resources1) Natural Resources a- SpringThe flowing one is located in a property of 7.71 hectares, in which also one finds the industrial plant, reason why any possibility of contamination by transfers etc is eliminated. The spring is of natural type, that is, it does not require pumping. Its volume is of 80,000 liters/hour which guarantees the feasibility of any project of enlargement that is desired to make with respect to the capacity of industrial production, reaching without problems a maximum of almost two million daily liters.The diameter of exit in the valve is 8 inches with different derivations that allow the use of the resource in different applications and places of the property. b- Human potentialToday the plant possesses 8 qualified workmen, including production control room etc. those who can or not to be included in the negotiations. 2- Material Resourcesa- Infrastructure edilicia:Villa Bianca possesses in the property of Tunuyán an industrial plant of 250 m2 with a house of 75 m2 all this in a property of 7,7 hectares, which besides, are cultivated with Pears William and Quinces. b- Productive infrastructureWe possess 2 lines of production.One of them for the filling of bottles is automatic and it has a speed of filling of 1800 bottles per hour.Another line is semiautomatic and it is for the filling of jerry cans of 5, 10, 12, and 20 liters, with an approximate speed of 400 jerry cans of 12 lts. per hour. 3- Quality of the product a- ChemistryAmong other advantages, the low content of sodium is extremely important in the sanitary effects of the product, since this element affects directly the circulatory system, reason why legislations of advanced countries as the USA required that this must be specified, that is highlighted in the label, as we do it. Besides, Villa Bianca, arises with a suitable content of fluorine, with the familiar advantages that this presents for the dental system, reason why innumerable possibilities of penetration in the infantile consuming segment appear. b- BromatologyThe official and private analyses carried out to Villa Bianca shows an entire absence of any organic matter, which exempts us from any other comment.

Current proposals from other players:
lyle02800.00 USD

Previous transaction on this property:
Date of transactionTransaction Price
2011-04-18 22:14:0310,000,000,000,000,000.00 USD
2010-12-29 13:12:248,000,000.00 USD
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